Thursday, February 6, 2014

Chapter 10: Daylight

Chapter 10:  Daylight
“It's the heart afraid of breaking that never learns to dance.”-Bette Midler

Anton wasn’t born yesterday and he noticed Danielle flirting with Jamarcus right away.  He wasn’t about ready to have another woman cheat on him.  His short lived relationship with Danielle did have its perks though, he thought to himself.  Danielle had boosted Anton’s ego so much recently simply by tagging him in a picture on facebook.  Danielle was merely announcing she was “in a relationship” with Anton Battaglia and Anton secretly hoped that his ex-wife would see the pictures so he could rub it in her face.   “I can have a midlife crisis just as easily as Liv can,” he thought to himself.  He tried to imagine what Liv’s face looked like when she logged onto facebook that day to catch up on all the gossip back home only to find a picture of the town hottie on her ex-husband’s wall.  As Anton waited for flirty little Danielle, he looked over at Samantha Dodson gathering her sport sack and water bottle.  He thought she looked a little frumpier and sadder than usual.  He tried to get her attention to say hello, but Samantha’s eyes were fixed on the floor as she popped in her ear buds and pressed play on her iPod.  He noticed that Samantha was actually quite attractive when she smiled at herself in the mirror redoing her ponytail.  Of course she was happy, she had someone at home waiting for her.  Anton had no one.
Anton had been devastated when Liv had started posting pictures of her and Bo in their new home.  She looked happier than he had ever seen her in any of their own pictures as a married couple.  Well, good for her, he thought.  As he looked over at Danielle practically throwing herself at Jamarcus, he knew he would be humiliated if…no…when Danielle dumped him.  By the way Danielle was looking at the young new fitness club owner, Anton figured he would soon be dumped.  He wasn’t about ready to have that happen.  How had he got suckered in to a relationship with someone so young, naïve, and shallow in the first place?  He was looking for acceptance which he found but he felt emptier inside than when before he met her.  His wallet was definitely more empty too.  Had he really just paid for half of her tuition for next semester on his credit card last week?  Because of the financial ties, he knew breaking up would be a sticky situation.  “Rip it off like a bandaid,” he told himself.  Tonight…yes, tonight at dinner.
The music on the overhead speakers at the fitness club was playing Dayligh by Maroon 5.
“Here I am waiting
I'll have to leave soon
Why am I holding on?
We knew this day would come
We knew it all along
How did it come so fast?”
Okay, so maybe Anton and Danielle’s relationship hadn’t lasted long enough for that song to mean much, but Anton was getting tired of waiting and holding on to something he knew was just make believe.  The next song that came on was more appropriate and more familiar to Anton anyway.  He loved hearing the songs that reminded him of High School.  Oh yes, Tainted Love.  “Once I ran to you, now I’ll run from you…this tainted love you’ve given…”
Jamarcus paid no more attention to Danielle than he did the other members of his club.  Jamarcus had no desire of being in a relationship that was as shallow as Danielle.  He couldn’t deny her outer beauty but he had learned through the last few years of deep religious conversion that what mattered was what was inside a person’s soul.  As Danielle rambled on and on about her college life, Jamarcus noticed a middle aged man who seemed to be waiting impatiently for her.  A tall Italian man?  Hmm, he wondered if this was the guy whose wife had left him for the personal trainer/social media guru guy?  He was finding out pretty quick that in small towns somehow everyone is related to someone.  You had to really watch what you said about people.   Jamarcus had no desire to lead Danielle on at all so he turned his attention to Lucy.
“Great class, Lucy.  All that Latin music made me feel like I was back in Miami again.  Glad to have you aboard!  I need you to fill out your timecard before you leave please.”
“No worries, I just need to turn the fans off and hit the lights and I will be right down.  Wait a minute…Miami?  I thought you were from Jamaica.”
“Oh yeah well, I graduated from University of Miami.”
“Go Hurricanes!”
“Yeah, something like that.  As for the real hurricanes…I’m glad I don’t have to worry about that here.  What kind of natural disasters do you guys have to brace yourselves for anyway?”
Jamarcus and Lucy headed out of the room talking about what?  The weather.  Lucy wasn’t a threat …she was happily married so what was Danielle so worried about anyway?  Danielle had territorial instincts she was always fighting.  She would somehow get this new club owner to notice her.  But how?  Danielle was kind of shocked that Jamarcus wasn’t paying her any attention but then she snapped back to reality as she saw Anton already walking out of the aerobics room.  Apparently he had gotten tired of waiting for Danielle.  Yes, he had gotten tired of his pretty, little, young thing.  Danielle bounced behind him like a puppy dog teasingly saying, “Wait up sugar daddy!” 
Anton rolled his eyes but mustered a smile in Danielle’s direction.  “We still on for tonight?” 
“Heck yeah we are…pick me up at 6.” 
“How about Chinese tonight?” 
“Ooh, yeah…that sounds great.” 
After freshening up in the locker room, they walked through the club hand in hand.  They passed Lucy and Lexie ordering Power Smoothies at the snack bar.  They waved a quick goodbye as they headed out to the parking lot.  Anton headed to his Silver Eddie Bauer Limited Edition all leather interior Ford Explorer as Danielle headed over to her little blue beat up Toyota Celica.  Was it a coincidence she always dated guys with nice cars?  Probably not, she thought to herself.
Anton did pick up Danielle and took her to Chang’s that night and he stayed true to his word as far as “ripping it off like a bandaid”.  He hadn’t even waited for the main course to arrive so they were eating wontons and eggrolls when he dropped the bomb.  Danielle was absolutely devastated by Anton breaking up with her.  How dare he?  She was going to give him at least one more week before she dumped him.  He beat her to the punch and even though she was already detaching from him, somehow, the breakup hurt way more than she thought it would.  To her it was as if he was saying, “You aren’t good enough.”  His reason for breaking up was that she was too young for him.  She was too young for him?  He was too old for her!  Danielle felt insulted and wanted to run away as fast as she could from the Chinese restaurant where she usually had broken up with her dates.  The irony smacked her in the face. 
            Danielle felt sick to her stomach and she quickly lost her appetite.  Is this what all those guys she had dated and dumped had felt too?  Anton went on and on about how they could just be friends.  Friends?  Anton had put her in the friend zone?  You have got to be kidding!  “I’m the one who puts people in the friend zone…not the other way around,” she thought to herself.  Nobody will ever know about this,” she reassured herself.  Anton said he realized Danielle was using him for his money so he offered to continue to finance her education but not as a gift…as a loan that she could repay with interest.  Danielle felt her chest start to close in around her heart.  She had never been accused of being a gold digger but all the evidence with Anton was definitely pointing that way.  The longer he talked, she felt as though she were being scolded by her dad.  Danielle hated being reprimanded.  She bowed her head and stared at her napkin on her lap.  She needed an excuse to escape.  As Anton continued his lecture she stealthily texted her friend Brittney the code word, pinky toe.  This meant within one minute she would get a text from her friend in dire need of Danielle…something that couldn’t wait.  They had gotten the idea by watching reruns of Seinfeld one night in the college dorm.  So far, Danielle had been able to flee from uncomfortable situations by this simple text message on several occasions.  It always worked like a charm!
But it was too late, Anton’s daughter Lia called and interrupted their breakup conversation.  She had just been in a fender bender.  She was fine and nobody was hurt too badly but she needed her daddy.  Danielle figured her ego was probably more bruised than any bruise caused by the impact of an airbag.  Anton apologized for the interruption, grabbed his leather jacket, handed Danielle two twenty dollar bills, kissed her on the forehead and left.  The little bell jingled on the door of the Chinese restaurant as Anton ran out into the night leaving Danielle sitting totally alone.  Her cell phone chimed and signaled she had a new text.  “I am having a rough day and need you to come over right away.”  She texted back, “Thnx, but no longer necessary.”  The waiter brought out the two plates and set them on the table.  Danielle wished she could have crawled in a hole and died.  Never had she been so humiliated.  There she sat, dressed for the town on a Friday night, all alone in a Chinese restaurant.  She stared at the uneaten Moo Goo Gai Pan across the table and felt absolutely alone.  She felt as though other people in the restaurant were talking about her behind her back.  She didn’t dare make eye contact with anyone but she snapped her fingers at the waiter and said, “I guess I need this to go please.”
By the time the bell on the door jingled behind her as she clutched her Chinese takeout box, the tears were streaming down her face.  Why couldn’t she ever hang onto a man?  Not that she had wanted to hang on to Anton…but still the question haunted her.  For the rest of the night, Danielle went to her parent’s house, locked her bedroom door, and watched sappy chic flics while eating her Chinese takeout and a whole half gallon of Moosetracks icecream.  For the first time, she had been dumped and it hurt…it hurt excruciatingly bad!  She found herself wondering what kind of comfort guys tried to find when they had been dumped.  She laughed as she tried to imagine a guy eating icecream and watching chick flicks to try to get over her.  She had noticed that her exes always got really pumped after a breakup.  “They must hit the gym to cope with the heartache,” she reasoned.  That would be a whole lot healthier than doing this.  She cried harder as she realized all the damage she had left in the wake of Hurricane Danielle throughout the years.  She really was a beautiful monster! 
  She bawled her eyes out as she watched The Princess Bride followed by While You Were Sleeping.  Apparently, this particular tv station must have known that the only people home on a Friday night were girls who needed a good old fashioned romance.  Both these movies showed true love.  Why was it she could never find true love?  She dated all sorts of different men so it wasn’t like she was dating dirt bags all the time.  She remembered that she needed to change her facebook status before word got out about the breakup.  She needed everyone to think she had broken up with Anton, not the other way around.  But she had waited too late, by the time she logged on to her facebook ap on her phone, the news was all over.  Anton’s daughters had posted, “Ding dong the witch is dead…-feeling relieved.”  Danielle started crying all over again and started drifting in and out of consciousness as she was watching  80’s movie rewind night starting with Pretty In Pink.  “I bet Anton saw this movie in the theatre when it first came out,” she thought to herself, and then the tears started again.   She was shocked at how much her heart was hurting.  This was not a feeling she was used to.  As she scrambled in her mind to try to figure out a solution to her hurt she thought, “All I need is another boyfriend…and soon.”  Let’s see, who have I not dated….Jamarcus!  And if that doesn’t work out there’s that guy Caleb who is always lifting weights when I come out of Zumba.  Yes, that’s it.  I will get myself another man”. 
Why Danielle felt she always needed a guy to be happy is anyone’s guess.  She grew up in a strong family with a father who loved her dearly.  Usually when women are that obsessed with companionship, they have suffered some sort of neglect or abuse from their father but that wasn’t the case with Danielle.  Maybe she had watched too many romantic comedies growing up or perhaps she had gotten lost in a fairytale world of always wanting a prince charming to ride off into the sunset with.  But whatever the reason, Danielle was cursed to always be needing validation, acceptance, and praise from the opposite sex in order to feel loved.  Little did she know that the hero she was looking for had always been staring back at her in the mirror.  What she really needed to do was cultivate herself.  Only then would the right kind of man be attracted to her.  Usually when you stop searching for something, you find it.  But as she drifted off to sleep awaiting daylight, she was already plotting her man-chase once again.
Maroon 5. Daylight. Rec. 27 Nov. 2012. A&M/Octone, 2012.

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