Monday, February 10, 2014

Chapter 13: Un Mes

Chapter 13:  Un Mes
“Coincidence is God’s way of remaining anonymous.”-Albert Einstein 

     As the song faded into the next, Anton came running into class late.  He glanced over towards Samantha and smiled at her with a sparkle in his eye.  Samantha shyly smiled back.  Anton took his place at the back of the room as usual.  The music started and Mara sang out, 
“Quiero bailar hasta almanecer
Quiero dejar que la cosa siga
Quero esta noche me duro un mes.”

Lucy always did her best to explain what the songs were about because it helped the people in her class connect to the music.  Lucy explained that in this song the woman wants this one night to last for a month. She wants to dance until dawn and forget the past.  Anton wondered if the woman in the song, like Samantha, had endured abuse at the hands of someone who claimed himself to be a man.
            Anton searched Samantha’s face through the reflection in the mirror at the front of the class.  Her face has healed beautifully he thought.  Only he noticed the long bangs, strategically styled to hide her one eye.  Only Anton really knew the scars that Samantha had sustained that horrible night last week.  Anton longed to embrace Samantha, as he had started calling her.  As he kicked his right leg than his left leg, he thought back to the night at the grocery store…

            Anton had been watching the news late into the evening after his daughters had gone to bed.  During the commercial break, he had gotten up to pour himself a glass of milk to go with the freshly baked cookies his daughters had made earlier in the evening.  Unfortunately, he found only a few drops left in the bottom of the gallon of milk.  Not only did he need his milk for his cookies, but he knew his teenage daughters would throw a fit in the morning if they poured their bowl of Honey Bunches of Oats only to find zero milk.  Anton grabbed his black leather jacket and headed out into the night.  Only one store was open at midnight so he rushed right over.  After he checked out in the express lane, the only cashier open anyway, he spotted a familiar car parked under the street light.  The sliding doors opened and as he walked closer he could see that the dome light was on in the car but he couldn’t see a person in the driver’s side.  He thought to himself, “That’s odd.”  Here in Boomerang Valley, people still watched out for others.  He hesitatingly wondered if he should reach in and turn the dome light off because it was probably a grocer’s car working the graveyard shift.  He knew he would hate to come out at 5am only to find a dead battery.
            Anton could see the form of a woman sobbing as he neared the parked vehicle.  A little voice inside him said, “Walk away…don’t get involved,” but a much louder voice said, “Something isn’t right…check it out.”  And so he followed the louder voice.  He didn’t know who was more surprised, him or the woman in the car.  The woman let out a shrill scream and startled jolt.  She reached for the lock on her door and cowered over to the center console covering her face.  Anton was startled by the woman’s uncalled for scream but could tell from her reaction that this woman thought he was someone else.  He gently tapped on the driver’s side window of the terrified woman.  Samantha slowly lifted her head and Anton could immediately see the dried blood and puffy face.  Was this Samantha from the fitness club?  What on earth had happened?  When Samantha had finally realized it wasn’t Darryl standing outside her door, she decided to roll down her window and talk to him.  As her eyes adjusted, she recognized him as Anton, from Zumba class.

“You scared me,” Samantha said in between unsteady breaths.

“You scared me too…are you ok Miss?”  Anton said as tenderly as he could.

“You’re Anton, right?”

“Yeah, and are you Samantha?”


Samantha was humiliated that someone she barely knew was here at her car with her in this condition. Then she remembered her prayer and thought that maybe, just maybe, this man was the miracle she had so desperately been needing.  She lifted her face exposing her battle wounds once more.  Anton asked, “Do you need help?  Are you alright?  Who did this to you?”
Samantha burst into tears as she said, “Darryl, my husband.”  Samantha’s head was pounding and she was having a hard time seeing straight.  Anton saw the stunned look on Samantha’s face and wondered if she had sustained a concussion.  “Help me, please” she silently whimpered as she opened the car door.  Samantha wasn’t sure she would have the strength to stand on her own two feet as she got out of the car but Anton was there to catch her with his strong arms and broad shoulders. 
“I don’t have my phone and I need to …. I need to… I need to call the…”  She hesitated as she remembered the threat of her husband that if she called the police he would come find her and kill her.  Anton finished her sentence, and it was as if he had read her mind.  He fished out his smart phone and dialed 9-1-1.
            Anton walked her to a bench outside the store and waited with her until the police arrived.  Samantha confided in him all the events of the evening.  Anton was shocked to say the least that such abuse could happen right here in their happy valley.  He just let her talk and cry and talk and cry some more.  He had set the gallon of milk down on the ground and was silently thankful that he had run out milk when he had.  How long would she have sat there?  How long would it have been before her husband found her sitting in that parking lot?  He wrapped Samantha in his leather jacket to protect her from the chill of the night air.  Soon a police car turned into the grocery store parking lot with lights shining.  Samantha had never been so happy to see red and blue lights! 
            The events of that night seemed to all be a blurr.  Anton helped Samantha tell the story to the cops.  A different cop car was dispatched to apprehend Darryl and bring him in for questioning.  Darryl had passed out on his porch steps so he was easy for the cops to find.  Unfortunately, the cops startled Darryl so badly that he had reacted in what he thought was self defense and had given the arresting officer a black eye in the process.  Samantha didn’t care if they arrested him on domestic violence charges or assault of a police officer.  All she knew was that Darryl was back at the station and at least for the night, she would be safe.  Right before she left to go back home, Anton had given her his number and said, “If you ever need anything…I am right here.”  And Samantha knew he meant it.  She and Anton had been inexplicably drawn together that night.  Samantha had immediate trusted him and connected on a different level than she ever had with Darryl.  Anton, went home with his gallon of milk, wondering, “Why do women like that have to go through things like this?”  He had noticed Samantha’s transformation as week after week, she was getting toned and losing weight.  Anton had noticed a spark of energy in Samantha the last couple weeks of class that had never been there before.  He knew something good was happening to her.  Anton also knew she was a married woman though, and had let his thoughts stop there.  He wasn’t about to be the cause of anybody getting into an adulterous relationship.  He knew had badly that had torn his heart out and he would never wish that on his worst enemy.  However, he felt a connection to Samantha that night that he liked.  He felt needed, he flet useful, and he felt strong.
            Anton threw his keys on the kitchen counter and put the milk in the refrigerator when his Jack Bauer CTU ringtone signaled someone was calling.  He answered the phone and Samantha said, “I ummm, were you serious about me calling if I needed you, cuz I think I need you.” 

“Anything Samantha, what is it?” he inquired sincerely. 

“I know Darryl is at the station but I … I …well I am scared… and I …” 

Anton was ready for action and would have done anything for this woman, no matter what. 

“I don’t want to be here tonight…I can’t be here…I need a place to… “

Anton’s protective instincts kicked in as he said, “Not another word, I’m on my way.” 

“But you don’t know where I live…I’ll text you my address.”

As he grabbed his car keys once more, his youngest daughter Lia came out and said, “Is everything alright, dad?”  “Yes, sugar…could you please make sure clean sheets are on the bed in the guest bedroom?  It looks like we are going to have an unexpected guest tonight.  I will explain everything in the morning.  Thanks!”  As Anton raced down the road, he thought it odd that he would be Samantha’s first choice to call but he was just happy to be in the position to help someone in need.  He believed that everything happens for a reason, and he would soon find out that he was right about that.

            …As the song ended, he couldn’t help but catch himself staring at Sami.  He had called in late to work so he would be sure to be there when she woke up.  He knew she would be hungry and in need of a shoulder to cry on again.  He was right again.  Together, he and Samantha formulated a plan.  Anton recommended his divorce attorney to her and she eagerly grabbed her cell phone and dialed the number.  She then called her mom and told her about the situation.  Her mom would be on the next flight in to Boomerang Valley the next day to help her figure things out and keep her company.  Samantha filed a restraining order against Darryl.  Anton stayed out of Samantha’s way.  She was a strong woman and although she was bruised and puffy around her eye and lips, Anton thought she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. 
Samantha could literally feel Anton’s eyes on her with every dance move but she didn’t dare look back at him.  Anton knew too much about her bruises, and right now she just wanted to dance…to escape…just like the girl in the song.  That one night and day in Anton’s house had felt like a month…a really good month!

Mara. Un Mes. Rec. 22 Aug. 2010. Zumba Fitness, 2010.

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